Those Who Journey Into My Subconscious

Friday, May 7, 2010

.::Multitude of Dreams::.

Again, I had a series of dreams. I don't remember all of them. Or even most of them. They're blurry, fuzzy and broken pieces of the vivid dreams I dreamt last night...

Random Images: There are random things that I remember. I don't remember their place or the dream they may have been in. There was a baby with black blood coming from the little mouth. I held the baby and cleaned it. I feel the baby was ok after this. I remember looking at a large, tarot style type card. It had a caucasian woman holding a caucasian baby. Her face was twisted into a hideous expression. She had blood on her arms. The baby's face was the same as hers, but the evil baby was smiling. In front of them stood a caucasian man who had a grotesque look on his face, as well. He had a long, lizard like tongue. It looked as if he was going to lick the blood from the woman's arm. They each had blood at the corner of their mouths. I remember being disgusted by and afraid of the card.Dream One: The first one was sexual. The man and I had sex. He was in the front row seat. I was in the back row, yet we were having sex. It was like our essences were mixing and having sex. That's the best I can explain it. We were sitting up straight and facing forward.
Dream Two:  I was running from something or someone, yet they couldn't successfully catch me. I could sense that they wanted to harm me. Their energy wasn't good. It was evil. I remember thinking that I had the power to evade my attacker. I knew he/it couldn't catch me, unless I allowed it.
Dream Three: I was planning my funeral. My dream self was painting a picture, and as my dream self told the person what I wanted for my funeral, it started to take place. There were these original/indigenous women in these ceremonial dresses/robes. They wore blue and white. I remember thinking of them as Mambos (vodoun priestesses). I think it was dark blue. They each held these long, thin ropes that held a small pot or plant on the end of it. I think something sprinkled out of the pots, as they swung them. They walked over my grave. The dirt was fresh. They chanted and walked in a straight line over my grave. They gently swung the thin ropes, as they walked over it. After they finished the words/incantations, they scooped some of the dirt of my grave into a vial. They corked the vial and it was to be given to my family. That is all that I remember. 

Peace and Love.

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