Those Who Journey Into My Subconscious

Monday, April 26, 2010

The Family Gathering dream

I was at some type of family function. It was like a friend of the family's family gathering, yet my family had been invited, too. The first disaster was that the caterer had messed up (I think). There was no vegan food for me, so I just had to be hungry the whole day, lol. The father was on the phone cussing the caterer out about my food (he loved me and was PISSED, lol). I told him that it's ok. I'm sure there's something I could eat. So later on, we walk over this bridge to a park area, I think. There was this one girl who was practically naked. She had come to the family gathering (uninvited), because she was trying to get with the son of the main family. Everyone wanted us (me and the son) to get together.
I was dressed modestly. Cute, yet modest. The main family's son liked me & kept seeking me out to talk, but every time he would come to talk to me, the ho-ish girl would appear & be trying to hang all over him. So I would just politely pardon myself. The main family's son seemed to always have this group of guys (I'm guessing they were cousins and friends) around him. They would be making a big deal over her ass hanging out and the way she was dressed. They acted like a pack of dogs. The main family's son didn't act like them, but he would look & kinda agree when they started trying to persuade him. The funny thing was, all of them liked me, too. It's just they were being ruled by their lower selves. So then, we all get around this one (WAAAY) older man. It was the main family's sons uncle or maybe his grandfather. He LOVED me. He had it in his head (as did both of our families) that the son & I were supposed to be together. When he saw the girl's clothes & the way the guys were acting, he looked DISGUSTED. After a time, he got all of our attention. He pointed her out, looked her over but didn't speak to her. He told me "Baby, take this girl to some clothes on. I'm looking at... Nothing". The look on his face clearly said he was calling HER nothing. You know how dream language means something different than the actual english we speak (if you didn't know, now you do, lol)? He said that, and we all knew he was referring to her. She looked shocked and so embarrassed. As if she realized how foolish she looked. Everyone had that "embarrassed for you", "you got told" look & smile on their face. I didn't. I led her to the house 2 get her a change of clothes. The main family's son ended up following me & we finally had our moment. But I don't remember the moment... This was the dream. Peace.