Those Who Journey Into My Subconscious

Monday, April 26, 2010

.::Dreams and Astral Projections::.

What are dreams? Are they merely your mind filtering out the junk that is cluttering your subconscious? Are they visions/premonitions... Sight into the past or future? Are they astral projections?

One definition of "dream" is that it is a series of mental images and emotions that occur while sleeping. 

Lucid dreaming is when you're asleep and you're in a dream, yet you're aware that you're dreaming.

There are many different types of "dreaming", but it's said that all of them are a form of astral projection.

Astral projection (in simple terms) is any "oobe" or "out of body experience". It's when you travel out of your body--whether it's into another room or another universe.

The following info is from Moorish Brooklyn: Lucid dreams are the same as astral projection or meditation, the more you do it, the more your energy-frequency changes & DNA wakes up. A lot of our people call themselves Kings and Queens, Gods and Goddess. However, all titles take activations. The etymology of the word astral means star energy or cosmic energy. The projection is your spiritual self vibrating on or in the spiritual plane or dimension. Hence the gold cord or silver cord that ties the spiritual self and the physical self. That is why we have a umbilical cord when we are born. As above so below. Everything in the universe has to be known and shown, there is no mystery. Just man/woman comprehension of the truth. Hence the slogan, don't go to sleep on a full stomach. It takes about 1/3 of the body energy to break down food. When you go to sleep on a full stomach or right after eating, sometimes folks have crazy dreams. That's the body breaking food down, while trying to be an anchor for the spirit at all times, etc. This is, also, why you should NOT do any meditation until 3 to 4 hours after eating. Less stress on the body enables the cells, organs, brains to work at its peak & at its optimum potential.

  • Alkaline diet

Alkaline diet provides the light foods & the right foods that the cells needs! You should also drink plenty of water, regularly. It regular flushes out all toxins, blockage.... Yes, lack of energy & blockage can cause "nightmares" or "night terrors".

Masons have it in their lessons that they need Eight hours work, eight hours recreation, and eight hours rest. The 8 showing energy coming back into itself in a continuous flow and loop. It also take 8 hours for food to be properly digested. So eating and resting should be down in proper timing. However, in a city like mind or the busy life in this machine world, family, work, etc., it is sometimes hard. The key is know the perfect picture, then work towards it.

There are many forms of astral projecting. Day dreaming is astral projecting, remote locating--all different degrees of the same thing. The good thing about doing it when meditating or when you are asleep is that there are less distractions. Also, when you sleep or meditate your vibration rises. Most people known it as beta, alpha, etc within the brain. What they don't tell you is your entire body is in a vibration. Your body is also lighter when you are asleep than when you are awake. Your two "carnal" eyes are connected to your third eye (pineal), just jolts of electricity during activity.

  • There is no such thing as death and your spirit is eternal, so no fear.

However, the chaotic mind may produce fear, those fears and emotions may morph into chaotic vibrations which may result in you conjuring up a image of something bad that you have seen or experienced, which then may appear in your astral or dream state. Hence dreams of monsters, creatures, something chasing you, etc.

Peace to the God for all of that most important information.

Now, dreams can also be visions/premonitions. Your higher self may have access to some knowledge your conscious mind can't grasp/isn't able to see. Many people--as well as myself--have dreams that come to pass. Could this be the subtle body leaving the physical body and travelling into possibilities of the future? There is something within us that brings forth revelations, premonitions, visions while dreaming. Is it that spiritual being travelling?

Tips for recalling dreams:

  • Maintain good sleep habits! (Get to be on time! Don't go to bed when you're absolutely exhausted. Rest when you should rest, not when you just can't stay awake any longer)
  • Don't eat at least 3-4 hours before you go to bed.
  • Before you go to bed, repeat several times to yourself, "I will remember my dreams." (Sounds crazy, but studies show that it works)
  • Try to relax as you drift to sleep. Let thoughts come and go. Think about, but do not dwell on emotions/moods, as you drift.
  • Try your best to wake up slowly. (This is to preserve the mood/emotions of the dream for as long as possible. Get an alarm clock with a gentler alert)
  • Try not to drink alcohol before bed. 
  • Try to wake up a couple of times. (Many times this will occur around an REM sleep cycle. Set an alarm or drink a lot of water prior to bed to ensure you have to wake up at least once)
  • If you wake up in the night, jot down what you dreamed about. This will help you get better at recalling dreams.
  • Start a dream journal. (Take your notes and recollections of you dreams and record your dreams in journal or story form... here is the link to my dream journal:
  • Discuss, discuss, discuss! (Articulating your dreams can help you recall additional details that you may not have recalled, otherwise!) 
  • If you awake during the night, think about your previous dream as you go back to sleep. (This will help to reinforce the dream for improved dream recall in the morning)

Hope you enjoyed the quick, crash course in dreaming, astral projections and more!

Did I forget to mention that some theories say that dreams can be you travelling into your previous lives...?

More to come. Peace, Love and Elevation.

Questions/Comments/Suggestions: or message me here.

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