Those Who Journey Into My Subconscious

Saturday, September 11, 2010

.::Tragedy Khadafi::.

Last night, in my dream it was winter time. I was doing some kind of work that helps impoverished people and I suggest to Tragedy that he start doing charity work. One day, he decided to take my advice. He was dressed very nice in a dark gray sweater, a black, cashmere coat, a black scarf and dark gray or black pants (can't remember). He looked very nice. He was walking on this street either early morning or just after the sun set and the sky is that blue color... Either way, he was the only person on the street. The street was lined with these huge statues. Each statue represented a charity. He was happily going down the street, giving to each one. Suddenly a woman and about four children are walking by. They stop and the mother talks to Tragedy. She suddenly has tears in her eyes and mouths to him to RUN. He looked at her strange, but doesn't move. Cars cut off both ends of the street. The woman drops her head and steps back with the children. Men pour out of the cars and face Tragedy. He is standing there, like "Fuck." He just shakes his head and the men fire on him. When they all stop shooting, the leader looks at Tragedy and nods. "Good," he says. And that is all I remember. The dream disturbed me very much...

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