Those Who Journey Into My Subconscious

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

February 24

So (of course) I don't remember all of the dream. I don't remember the start or the finish... But here is the part I do remember:

I was sitting or laying in a queen size bed. Something happened. Some portal or something opened & it changed everything. The vaulted ceiling of one room of the house I was in was covered with bats (?) or some type of creature similar to bats. You couldn't go in that room or they'd attack you. One brother did & was immediately eaten. They left no trace of him. There were also dinosaurs & some mythical creatures. We (the people I was with in the house) decided we had to get out of there. They left first. I decided to stay behind. I opened my window & spread the curtains as far as I could, so the bat things could get out. For some reason, if they had a way out, they wouldn't attack me. I did other things to prepare for this thing that was happening, but I don't remember what they were.

At some point, I left the house, but VERY carefully. In my time out of the house, somewhere in the trip, this brother (We'll call him "F") joined me. We were walking in a clearing. I remember commenting that he was about 5'10. He replied "Yeah, about 5'8", 5'10". We saw something we needed (some supplies or something). He left my side to get the supplies & I waited where I was. My senses told me something was wrong. I yelled to him to leave it. "We gotta go. C'mon! C'mon!" He ran back with me, and just as he made it to me, some dinosaurs & mythical creatures ran at us. Like a stampede. There was a rhino like creature that was trying to hit F. He had to keep dodging it. We finally escaped back into the house. But while we were gone, the house had become full of vines & looked abandoned. I told him that we had to leave. Above the window, there was a little rabbit. I told him it looked like my pet rabbit (Petey) I had when I was a teenager. The rabbit was sitting on its hind legs, holding its food in its front paws, eating. It was so tame & was looking right at me. He reached to get it for me. When he got it down, it was now a human baby. The baby was so cute. The baby had a beautiful skin tone & beautiful features. The baby looked a bit like an "aboriginee". Here's an example:
The baby was about that colour, with similar features. The little face & body was dirt streaked. I immediately loved the baby & felt like his/her mother. 
Behind this wall, there was another child. This child was a bit older. Dinosaurs got that child, but not to harm it. They wanted to care for the child. F was worried for the child. I told him not to worry. We'd get the child back. 

We left the house and somewhere, the dream changed again. Suddenly, it was like winter time outside (It had been like summer before). There were people (I think my family & some neighbors) outside, that we chatted with.
He wanted to walk off of the porch, but I wasn't wearing any shoes. We walked on the pebbles. 

**side-note** Have you ever walked barefoot on tiny pebbles? It kinda hurts.

I remember the little sting of the pebbles, the coldness of the winter ground. As I was saying making little pain noises (ouch, ooo, etc), yet giggling as we walked. He was holding me from behind, as we walked. I remember how good it felt to feel him holding me... He felt SO good... Also, his holding me eased some of the sting of the pebbles, because I just would lean against him.

I also remember a sense of him having a high status (fame or something), yet this was not a main factor in the dream. It was like my dream self's off-hand thought. Make sense?

This is all that I remember.

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