Those Who Journey Into My Subconscious

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

.::Snakes, Military, and Africa Tattoos::.

I only remember small bits and pieces of my dream last night. I remember crushing the head and body of this bright, bright green snake with a broom. I also remember I was supposed to be going into the military, but couldn't because I had some unresolved business first. I remember drinking water, but as I drunk the cold, cold water it became hot--but not so hot I couldn't tolerate it. I remember getting part of Africa tattooed on my chest, but the tattoo wasn't finished (it has to be done is sessions). The tattoo was huge. It took up all the upper part of my chest & when finished would reach down to my hip bones... This isn't the order of the dream. I don't remember the order... Weird dream. I need to figure the meaning. in one part I had to take up for my (soon to be) adopted sister... And in 1 part I fell off of a highway bridge with an ex but we landed on a mattress that drove like a car... :-/ That's just out there... Oh, and the sheets were a gold color.

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