Those Who Journey Into My Subconscious

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

.::Space Travel, Communications and Ceremonies::.

This dream happened during a nap and was definitely... Different, lol. 
I was the leader of some small group. We were traveling in space to different worlds. Some worlds were outside of this galaxy. One world or dimension we traveled to, the creatures/people where a lot larger than us. We looked like bugs to them, practically. There was this one house. We had to visit twice because the first time, we didn't have the necessary materials to get what we needed. When we went back, the creature/person laughed and said we wouldn't be able to get it. He returned into his home. On the top of his house, there was a smaller house and in it there was this blue laser beam.We got this probe/satellite looking thing and it sucked some of the blue laser into itself. We sealed it off and took it home quickly. When we traveled to different dimension, we would be in some sort of time warp. One time in the time warp, I remember thinking, "What if there's no limit to the galaxies, no limit to the universe? What if the other universes aren't aware of our existence, either?" When we got home, we realized we only had a little of the power source/blue laser beam, yet it was more powerful than power sources of other companies on earth (like light companies, cell phone companies, etc). We used it to start a communications company. Our communication tower stretched all across various lands. It was extremely powerful. 

There's more to the dream. I'm struggling to remember it, but I can't. I know it involved Erykah Badu, a raccoon, an elephant, trees and some sort of ceremony. I also remember a large crystal dome that no one could break through. A mountain or a hill stands out in my mind, too.

Peace and Love.

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