Those Who Journey Into My Subconscious

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

.::Showers and Hauntings::.

In my dream, my family and I had moved into a new house together. I felt strange in the house, but did not know why. The house was a two story, but had no bathrooms downstairs.
I put my son in his bed downstairs, then went to take my shower upstairs. On my way up, I noticed the door was cracked open, ever so slightly. I went to take a shower, but the door being open bothered me, so I went back down and closed and locked it. I remember feeling slightly alert, as if someone may be in there with me. I went back up to the large bathroom. The entire room was like marble or some other smooth stone. I turned the water on, but I noticed this dial or switch on the wall. I turned it and water began spraying out of the ceiling. The entire room was a shower. I remember smiling because it felt like being in rain. I stood there smiling and letting the water fall all over me. It felt good. I felt like I was in there for some time, but then I heard a small voice singing that September 1978 was it's birthday. I remember it saying the numbers 18 and 13. I felt a cold fear in my body, but I acted as if nothing was wrong. I finished up my shower and wrapped a large, plush-like towel around me. I think it was blue. I went out and told my mom and dad. They went down the stairs before me. But once in the living room, there was something that alarmed us. There was little girl in the corner of the living room. Something about this situation frightened us, but I can't remember what it was.

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