Those Who Journey Into My Subconscious

Friday, May 21, 2010

.::Running, Health and Children::.

I took a nap with my son and had a dream. I only remember bits and pieces of it. Here they are: I was with some guy in a house. He made someone angry and they tried to get into the house to challenge him. He quickly blocked them out. Then he went to the other door and shouted at this large group of men. I think they were playing football (practicing). I tried to tell him that was a bad idea, but he wouldn't listen. The men got angry and they started coming for him, too. That door was broken, so we had to place it in front of the doorway.  Some of the people got through. We ran upstairs, but they caught up to him. This drill sergeant looking man chose him. He was going to make the guy run according to his height. I remembered thinking that I'm glad I'm not tall. He never chose me, but I chose to go with them. He allowed me to. I was wearing a t-shirt, sweats and sneakers (workout clothes). When we went out of the house, we stepped onto a track field. People were all over it training. It was orange and black. I remember vaguely running/sprinting. We went off the field and we ended up going over these obstacle courses. As we did, the drill sergeant was talking. It was important and profound, but I don't remember what he was saying now. I remember knowing his thoughts and he was impressed with how well I was going over the obstacle course. I remember climbing up something and climbing down on this metal rack thing. It was pink. I also remember looking to my left and seeing a playground for children and thinking, "My son would love that." and that I should take him there to play sometime. We were done with the obstacle course and now we were walking somewhere. 

I got side-tracked because this little girl stopped me. She was having a birthday party and for some reason, really took to me. She started telling me about her birthday party. Another little girl was wearing her crown, so I thought it was the other little girl's party and was confused. The people around her told me it was her party so I kinda hugged her and asked her about it. Then this other girl (a teen) walks up to me and we start walking together. I know her from the future, but she doesn't know me yet. In parting, I tell her how I already know her and to remember me in the future. She's puzzled, but says ok.  

The next part is hazy... I was walking, but everything was moving as if I were in a car. And Dr. Sebi was narrating this part of the dream. He talked about how dependent on "their" heat, housing, food, etc we are. As he spoke on that, I drove/walked by different housing projects. They were red brick with green (or blue) shutters. The windows were very dark. He said we need to do for our own. He talked about how horrible their food is to us. He talked about microwave food. As he did, it showed a tv dinner being made at the factory. I don't remember much, but I remember it being disgusting. Then, it showed the dinner being cooked in real time. I remember being so disgusted and sickened. I was driving/walking by all the things he talked about. I also remember seeing him on the balcony with a beautiful sistah, but I was driving by/walking by.

This is all that I remember. Peace and Love.

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