Those Who Journey Into My Subconscious

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Lovers and Enemies

I cannot remember the whole dream. I had this dream earlier today. What I do remember is that me and a man that I was partners with (and in love with) were having a face-off. He was under someone's control, though. He wasn't himself. He held a child as a hostage, and shot at me. One bullet hit my shoulder. The guy next to me (one of my teammates) got hit once and caught a bullet with his teeth.
I didn't want to kill my partner/the man I loved. I tried to talk him into coming back to the good side. Whoever he was working for ordered him to kill the child. He was going to, but couldn't. The ceiling started coming down and he protected the child with his body. Large brick blocks hit him in his stomach, chest, and shoulders. He was bloodied and dead (or so I thought). I stumbled over to him and picked up the child. I fell next to him and looked at him. I cried and screamed out in anguish. His eyes opened and he smiled at me. He touched my face, just before he passed out.
Months passed and we hadn't seen each other. Finally, one day, I got to see him. We (the entire team) were in a beautiful villa on the beach. "He" walked in, and I tried to hug and kiss him, but he wouldn't let me... Even though I could tell he was happy to see me.
After everyone but us two had left the villa, he quickly closed and locked all of the doors. He quickly crossed the room to me and passionately kissed and hugged me. He felt so good. He began caressing me and grabbing me in all the right ways. Yet, I slightly resisted. I didn't want him to see my scars. Just as I was about to give in to his embrace, I got woken up.

Mind Over Matter

I don't remember much. I had this dream a few days ago. I was crossing a huge bridge that had large bodies of water on both sides. My master teacher threw me over the bridge. I was scared, thinking I was going to die, but when I reached the water, I landed on my feet and began running on the water. I jumped, ran, and glided over the water. My teacher was swimming on the water, and warned me not to go into certain areas of the water, or I'd fall in. I remember trying to make my way to him, but I was woken up.